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At St Johns we don't think that children are the church of tomorrow.


We think children are part of the church today


Children are welcome at ALL our services and activities. They are an important part of our church - and we love having the around.


Don't worry about bringing your children to church. Everyone at St Johns loves children (after all, we were all children once, even if it was quite a long time ago...)


We provide activities for children during our worship. There'll always be worksheets, craft activities or colouring for your children. 


And if they want to have a bit of a run around, then we're cool with that as well...



Messy Church happens every 2nd Saturday from 11am come along and join in.

Messy Church is our amazing all-age activity that happens on the second Saturday of every month from 11.00 am until 1.00 pm.


It's 'church' - but not as you've ever known it. People of all ages - children, parents, carers, grandmas - come together for a time of games, crafts, fun and activity, all based around a bible theme.


After we've had lots of fun we come together for a lovely meal!


Look out for Messy Church news on our 'Latest News' page.

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